Thursday, April 19, 2012

Doodles every Day

Hello Hello.

I've been keeping busy. I'm part of a project that I'm going to keep quiet about for now; very involved, challenging, complicated project. I'm quite excited about it!

However, I have also been wanting to do more 2D work recently as a way to get back into a printmaking, which I miss dearly... Layers and colors! I neeed them!

My solution for that is an ongoing series of 4x6" pencil/ink monster doodles. They'll also be for sale on my Etsy shop (which has been a bit lacking recently... I'll fix that soon).

I feel pretty good getting a couple done a day. They're quick and fun, nothing too wild. I'll probably keep throwing them up here and in the shop.

I also need to focus more on drawing from life, really get to practicing those classical drawing skills... Busy, busy, busy...

While I haven't made anything particularly exciting in a while, there's still toys to be made. The work in progress above (having been started very long ago is on track to be finished!) is purple... but the colors were all off on my webcam, hence the lazy filter setting, so you'll just have to wait until it's finished for proper pictures.

Expect more toothy related toys. The cute stuff is fun to make... but new ones have been kind of tough to get just right...

I was going to stop with this post, but nope, let's keep going! Here's a couple more pencil drawings...
I've always had a hard time with faces... practice practice practice...

this one's actually a self portrait...

More toy Stuff next time.

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